Monday, February 23, 2009

Oh To Be Able To Breathe...

I wonder why this invention didn't go big...

For a week now I have been sick with a cold. Ick. I could feel something was coming on so I was trying to prevent it, but I failed. Not miserably, but failed nonetheless. I had the congested/runny nose, slight cough, and just feeling blah. Nothing too major but still sick.

But what I really have missed is being able to breathe out of both my nostrils at once with clarity. (This may be a little too much information for some of you, and I apologize for that, but I promised to blog more and this is what's up right now.)

This morning I saw a glimmer of sunshine though. The left nostril (the one giving me most/all the problems) had opened a teeny space for some airflow and it was great. There is hope. I have been taking meds like a crazy (don't worry- the good kind) and drinking as much water as I can. This in turn makes me have to use the bathroom oh so often, which I hate, but that is a story for a different post at a different time. And so it continues... meds, sleep, vitamin c, and lots of agua.

"Here comes the sun (du dn du du)..."


Linds Forrest said...

If it makes you feel better, I permanenately can't breathe out my nostrils cause I have 'large nostril membranes'.

Girl sorry you are sick!! That's the pits. Love your guts!

The Cowleys said...

I hate winter. Each week a new family member has a cold, which means in will just circulate around to everyone at some point. I have to suggest "Zycam". It is amazing. There are a few different ones, but I am talking about the nose swabs. I'm telling like a charm!