Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hoorah for... Vampires?

So this summer i decided to read the Twilight series. I'm not much of a reader but I had heard so much about this vampire obsession that I gave in to my curiosity. Um, I might say that was a mistake, because I wasn't entirely sure what I was getting into. I started reading it on the EFY family trip to Las Vegas, where a few others were reading it as well, and that was probably my first mistake. I found myself reading it through my weeks of EFY at every possible minute I could. When I found myself wishing I was either in the presence of a vampire that second or as close to Seattle as I could be, that was when I knew I'd lost it. I had succumbed to the Twilight mania.

Once EFY was over I figured I would be able to read them with no problem, get them over with, and be done. Wrong. It took me a long while to finally get into the third one but I decided I'd better just read it so I could be onto the fourth. I read it, moved onto the fourth, and am now about 2 chapters away from finishing. Yes!

My obsession obviously has dwindled but I am just so curious as to how this whole thing ends now that I am back to being hooked. Great. Good thing I'm almost done. I just had to blog about it now because I had to take a break from it for a second. (Sigh, stupid vampires) Hmmm, I wonder what happens next...

I'm a Esme! I found out through Which Twilight Heroine Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

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By the way, I saw this on a friends blog (thanks cambria!) and curiosity unsued once again. So I took the quiz and found out I was Esme. I like her. I can live with that.


Zak and Weezie said...

LOL that is awesome that you are hooked on twilight, Weezie's aunt got us on them, I was so hooked I even went to a midnight release for Breaking Dawn, and then had a read in where we didn't go to bed we just started reading, twelve hours later I finished it, you'll have to tell me what you think when you finish. Alex read them all too so we can chat them up inthe near future, though if you are in need of a laugh we usually watch the trailer, ugh the movie looks so lame!

Brandi said...

Welcome to the clan my friend. I too tried to resist falling into the Twilight Mania but found myself immediately sucked in (no pun intended) and I am STILL obsessed with the story. I'm seriously contemplating a trip to Forks! I took the quiz and found out that I'm a Bella. So where's my Edward?

Linds Forrest said...

Love that you are Esme, totally fitting!! :) Girl we should do lunch soon, I would love to catch up with you and hear about all your summer adventures!! Love you!